Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lesson 4 - Ter (to have)

Hello, Readers. I could see that the number of readers kept increasing this week, and that makes me really happy! I hope I can keep writing here forever!
Today, I'm going to teach you the verb "Ter", or in english "to have". As "Ser to be", it's an irregular verb, so pay attention to it.

Eu tenho→ I have
Você tem→ You have
Ele tem→ He has
Nós temos→ We have
Vocês têm→ You have
Eles têm→ They have

I also have to teach you the possessive pronouns today. The possessive pronouns also change in gender and number. Check out for them below:

Meu/Minha My
Seu/Sua Your, his
Nosso/Nossa Our
Seu/Sua Your, their

These possessive pronouns listed above are usually put before the possessed thing, as in english. Ex.:

Meu irmão My brother
Minha casa My house
Nossa roupa Our clothes
Nossos agasalhos Our coats
But "Dele(s)/Dela(s) His/Her" are put after the possessed thing. Ex.:

O irmão dele His brother
A casa dela Her house
As roupas deles Their clothes
Os agasalhos delas Their coats

I'm going to write some sentences using "Ter", the possessive pronouns and the vocabulary we learnt last lesson below. I want you readers to make some sentences by yourselves, too! If you want me to take a look at them, just send me them by coment or e-mail.

Eu tenho um carro vermelho. I have a red car.
Meu irmão tem uma calça grande. My brother has big pants.
Minha família tem uma casa pequena. My family has a small house.
Eu tenho uma irmã gorda. I have a fat sister.

My mail address is! Feel free to contact me anytime.

See you! Até mais!!


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