Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lesson 6 - Verbs

Hello, readers. Let's start a new portuguese lesson!

Today, we're gonna learn about portuguese regular verbs.
In portuguese, there are three kinds of verbs: the verbs that have the suffix "ar", the ones that have the suffix "er" and the ones that have "ir". For example:

Amar to love
Obedecer to obbey
Sumir to disappear

Depending on the suffix, the way to inflect them changes. As there are three kinds of verbs, there are Three Conjugations. Let's study them!

The First Conjugation - verbs with the suffix "ar"

Verb "Adorar" (to worship)

Eu adoro
Você adora (Tu adoras)
Ele adora
Nós adoramos
Vocês adoram (Vós adorais)
Eles adoram

To inflect the verbs, just take off their suffix "ar" and replace them with the suffix that corresponds the pronoun.

The Second Conjugation - verbs with the suffix "er"

Verb "Sofrer" (to suffer)

Eu sofro
Você sofre (Tu sofres)
Ele sofre
Nós sofremos
Vocês sofrem (Vós sofreis)
Eles sofrem

The Third Conjugation - verbs with the suffix "ir"

Verb "Assumir" (to assume)

Eu assumo
Você assume (Tu assumes)
Ele assume
Nós assumimos
Vocês assumem (Vós assumis)
Eles assumem

Though, there are some verbs like "dormir" or "servir", that don't change only the suffix, but also the vocalic sound of the stem. See below:

Verb "Dormir" (to sleep)

Eu durmo
Você dorme (Tu dormes)
Ele dorme
Nós dormimos
Vocês dormem (Vós dormis)
Eles dormem

Verb "Servir" (to serve)

Eu sirvo
Você serve (Tu serves)
Ele serve
Nós servimos
Vocês servem (Vós servis)
Eles servem

Now we know how to conjugate the verbs, let's use them! Pay attention to the examples below:

1 -  Eu como arroz todos os dias. I eat rice everyday.

2 - Meu amigo gosta de casas grandes. My friend likes big houses.

3 - Eu sempre me esqueço dos nomes das pessoas. I always forget people's names.

Next time, I'm going to post more verbs and a small text for you! Let's enlarge our portuguese vocabulary!

Um abraço a todos!!

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